ワイヤーで作られた美しい妖精とタンポポの彫刻 / Fantasy Wire

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Incredible Wire Sculptures Merge the Magic of Fairies and Dandelions via My Modern Met

イングランドの Robin Wight(Fantasy Wire)さんがワイヤーで作る、妖精とタンポポの彫刻です。ワイヤーを緻密に折り曲げて、繊細な妖精やフワフワの綿毛を表現し、幻想的で美しい像を作っています。
Wire Sculpture by Robin Wight
Wire Sculpture by Robin Wight
Wire Sculpture by Robin Wight
Wire Sculpture by Robin Wight
Wire Sculpture by Robin Wight
Wire Fairy and Dandelion Sculpture by Robin Wight
Wire Sculpture by Robin Wight
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