​モバイル写真賞「Mobile Photography Awards(MPA)」の2024年受賞作

- Picks
“Broken Portrait” by Yajun Hu

Creative Winners of the 2024 Mobile Photography Awards via My Modern Met

モバイル端末で撮影された写真のフコンテスト「Mobile Photography Awards(MPA)」の2024年受賞者の作品です。最優秀賞を受賞した上海の写真家 Yajun Hu 氏のストリート写真をはじめ、モバイル端末の携帯性や即時性など特性を生かした美しい写真が選ばれています。
Mobile Phone Street Photography
Image by Yajun Hu

Mobile Phone Street Photography
Image by Yajun Hu

2024 Mobile Photography Awards
“The Violinist Returning Home at Night” by Queenie Cheen

2024 Mobile Photography Awards
“Firecracker Symphony” by Victor Tan

2024 Mobile Photography Awards
“Tetris” by Roy Pan

2024 Mobile Photography Awards
“Playground” by Chang Nianzu

People on an obstacle course
“Cadet Obstacle Course” by Elliot Ferguson

Black and white lamps
“Light Up” by Wai Ying Kwok

2024 Mobile Photography Awards
The Falls” by Ryan Cardone
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