​ニコン・コメディ野生動物写真賞「Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards」の2024年受賞作

- Picks
“Stuck squirrel” by Milko Marchetti.

Funny Winners of the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards via My Modern Met

ニコン・コメディ野生動物写真賞「Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards」の2024年受賞作です。総合優勝者のイタリア人写真家 Milko Marchetti 氏の作品(木の穴に入り込むリス)をはじめ、9000枚を超える応募作品の中から、野生動物たちのユーモラスな瞬間を捉えた楽しい写真の数々が選ばれています。
2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards
“Unexpected role swap” by Przemyslaw Jakubczyk.

Frog in a pond with its head in a bubble
“Frog in a balloon” by Eberhard Ehmke.

Spotted owlets on a branch
“Smooching owlets” by Sarthak Ranganadhan.

Fan-throated lizard
“The Rock Star” by Sanjay Patil.

Female red-bellied woodpecker investigating screech owl in its nest
“You're not my mother” by Randy Herman.

Racoons in a tree
“I'll tell you a secret” by Jan Piecha.

King Penguin(Aptenodytes patagonicus) male protecting female from another male Falkland Islands
“Alright Mate Back off- this is my bird” by Andy Rouse.

Hippo in the water with a plant on its head
“I'm too sexy for my love” by Artur Stankiewicz.

Flying squirrel with a stick in its mouth
“Mafia Boss” by Takashi Kubo.

Rockhopper penguins
“Gang of four” by Ralph Robinson.
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