鳥の写真コンテスト Bird Photographer of the Year の2022年受賞作

- Picks
Erlend Haarberg, “Rock Ptarmigan Flight.” 

Soaring Winners of the 2022 Bird Photographer of the Year Competition via My Modern Met

英国の BPOTY が主催する国際的な鳥の写真コンテスト Bird Photographer of the Year の2022年の受賞者とその作品です。総合優勝の「フィヨルドの雪山を舞うライチョウ(ノルウェーの写真家 Erlend Haarberg 氏)」をはじめ、鳥たちの美しい瞬間を捉えた選りすぐりの写真が選ばれています。
Winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
Peter Ismert, “Duelling on the Lek.”

Bird Photographer of the Year Award
Henley Spiers, “Guillemot Swimmers.” 

Winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
Mario Suarez Porras, “Free as a Bird.”

Winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
Henley Spiers, “Between Two Worlds.”

Winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
Lazlo Potozky, “Gonzo.”

Winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
Levi Fitze, “Facing the Storm.”

Winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
Thamboon Uyyanonvara, “Sunset.”
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