The meaning behind China's organization's purchase of drone jammers for Russia

- jammerspecialist

  In June 2024, a news about China's purchase of drone jammers for Russia attracted widespread attention in the international community. cell phone jammer The release of this procurement notice once again triggered discussions about China's position in the Russian-Ukrainian war and the close cooperation between China and Russia. signal jammer Against the backdrop of concerns expressed by the United States and Europe about China's provision of dual-use products to Russia, this incident also highlights the complexity and sensitivity of global high-tech military technology transfer. GPS jammer

  Event review: the release and deletion of the procurement notice

  In May this year, a procurement notice issued by the China Guangdong Provincial Trade Promotion Association for Russia caused quite a stir on social media. Wifi jammer The notice detailed the needs of Russian buyers for drone jammers, including military-grade equipment such as "jamming generators, drone detectors and communication band jammers". Most of these devices are used to detect and interfere with the communication and navigation signals of drones, making them ineffective on the battlefield.

  Although the notice was deleted shortly after it was released, and the Guangdong Provincial Trade Promotion Association for Russia said it was "a mistake", the incident still caused widespread doubts and concerns. It is generally believed that despite the deletion of the notice, the transaction demand behind it still exists, which has led to more speculation in the international community about the military and technological cooperation between China and Russia.

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  China's dominance in the drone market

  As one of the global leaders in drone technology, China's dominance in the global drone supply chain cannot be ignored. Especially Shenzhen-based DJI Innovations, this commercial drone manufacturer is currently the world's largest drone shipment company. As drones are increasingly used in modern warfare, China's technological advantages in this field have also made its products have a significant influence in both the military and civilian markets.

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