How to choose a signal blocker?

- jammerspecialist

  cell phone jammers are designed to reasonably avoid and interfere with mobile phone related signals, such as GPS, WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4G, or future 5G. They are mainly used in school examination halls, prisons, detention centers, etc., to ensure the fairness of the examinations, middle school entrance examinations, college entrance examinations, or ordinary mock examinations. So how should we choose a signal blocker? Today, as a professional signal blocker manufacturer, I will explain it to you.

  1. Compare products from three companies and conduct extensive research to learn more

  Research product quality, technical means, and brands; 2. Through online search, get a preliminary understanding and communicate with technical personnel, and listen to technical explanations.

signal jammer

  2. Prison demonstration to see the effect

  Select several companies based on merit, and go to the site for on-site testing and shielding effect demonstration.

  3. Investigate the actual effect of the case

  After the product has been demonstrated, you can examine the application, operation status and actual effect of the product in other similar projects. During the inspection, it is best to bring the mobile phone into the shielding area after approval to verify the shielding effect.
jamming drone signals

  4. Simple and quick method to judge equipment

  Equipment that can be considered

  The area that should be shielded is not strictly shielded, which is costly and ineffective; 2. The area that should not be shielded is seriously interfered, complained, and cannot be used normally; 3. Too much trust in detection and pseudo base station technology, there is a gap between ideal and reality, and there are no truly successful cases in China.

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