Controversy over the use of signal jammers in Brazil: Legal limitations and security considerations

- jammerspecialist

  In Brazil, the expansion of the use of signal jammers (BSRs) has sparked widespread controversy. Neger Telecom strongly challenged the use of this equipment in Public Consultation No. 60 of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), arguing that the use of signal jammers should continue to be limited to prisons. cell phone jammer This article will explore the current legal framework in Brazil, the application of BSRs, and the potential impact and challenges of expanding their use.GPS jammer

  The current status of BSRs: Prisons only

  According to Brazilian Law No. 10,792/2003, signal jammers can only be used in prisons to prevent prisoners from illegally using mobile phones to carry out criminal activities. signal jammer This legal framework aims to ensure security inside and outside prisons, ensuring that prisoners cannot continue to manipulate external crimes through communication tools. However, Anatel proposed to expand the use of these devices to other national institutions, such as the armed forces, federal police and fire departments, to address broader public safety challenges.Wifi jammer

  Eduardo Neger, Operations Director of Neger Telecom, stressed the importance of this legal framework, arguing that expanding the use of BSRs lacks legal basis and may pose security risks. He pointed out that the expansion of the scope of application could interfere with civilian communication networks and even affect the operation of aviation and emergency services.

  Controversy and challenges of legal expansion

  Anatel's proposal has sparked widespread discussion, with the main controversy focusing on whether other government agencies should be allowed to use BSR. Neger Telecom believes that there is no sufficient legal support to achieve this expansion, and excessive use may infringe on citizens' basic rights, such as freedom of information and privacy of communications.

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