Necessity and Challenges of Prison Cell Phone Jammers

- jammerspecialist

  In modern society, with the continuous development of communication technology, criminals are increasingly using mobile phones to continue illegal activities in prisons, especially in drug trafficking, extortion and violent crimes.signal jammer This problem is particularly serious in the Rosario region of Argentina, and even threatens public safety. cell phone jammer In response to this threat, the Santa Fe Provincial Government installed a new mobile phone signal jammer system in Pinheiro Prison, hoping to cut off criminals from the outside world through technical means, thereby reducing criminal activities directed from inside the prison. GPS jammer

  1. Introduction of Cell Phone Signal Jammers in Pinheiro Prison

  In July 2023, the Santa Fe Provincial Government announced the installation and activation of a new generation of mobile phone signal jammers in Pinheiro Prison near Rosario. Wifi jammer The system consists of eight jammers that transmit jamming signals to the cellular network in the prison, so that any mobile phone trying to connect to the external communication network cannot receive the signal and is offline. The introduction of this technology is intended to block the illegal use of mobile phones in prisons and prevent criminals from continuing to manipulate external criminal activities through mobile phones.

  2. Advantages and limitations of jammer technology

  The new system, developed by Invap, Argentina's leading state-owned technology company, is based on an Israeli platform and runs on a 4G system. With the promotion of 5G technology, it is planned to add additional antennas in the future to adapt to the continuous advancement of communication technology. The main advantage of this system is that it can accurately implement signal jamming in prisons to prevent jamming signals from leaking outside the prison, thereby reducing the impact on the lives and work of surrounding residents.

  However, this system also faces some challenges. First, although the new technology can effectively block mobile phone signals in prisons, criminals may still bypass the jamming in other ways, such as using more advanced communication equipment or relying on external accomplices. In addition, jammers are expensive to install and maintain, especially in the face of rapidly developing communication technologies, and the equipment needs to be constantly updated and upgraded to maintain the jamming effect.


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