​California Governor Newsom supports limiting students' use of mobile phones in school

- jammerspecialist
California Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced that he hopes to limit students' use of smartphones during class, pointing out that social media may be harmful to students' mental health.signal jammer

According to the Associated Press, Newsom said on the 18th that he plans to further regulate students' use of mobile phones in school based on the law signed in 2019. The law authorizes school districts to restrict or prohibit students from using mobile phones in school, or they must be used under the supervision of faculty and staff.

Newsom emphasized that, as the US Public Health Commissioner Murthy pointed out, social media is harming young people's mental health. Newsom looks forward to working with the legislature to ensure that students focus on learning during school, rather than being addicted to mobile phone screens.cell phone jammer

Although Newsom's office did not provide more details of the proposal, the California School Board Association said that any regulations on students' use of mobile phones should be decided by school districts, not the state government. Spokesman Tony Flint pointed out that the state government should support legislation to authorize schools to formulate policies at the local level to respond to community concerns and meet student needs.
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