Ukrainian drone successfully destroys Russian radio jammer

- jammerspecialist

  Since the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the importance of electronic warfare on the battlefield has continued to emerge, especially with the popularization of drone technology. cell phone jammer In a recent military operation, Ukrainian drone forces successfully destroyed a Russian Silok radio jammer used to interfere with drone communications, demonstrating Ukraine's progress in drone countermeasures.signal jammer

  Russia's electronic warfare capabilities

  The Russian military has deployed a variety of electronic warfare equipment since the early days of the war to interfere with Ukraine's drone communication systems. GPS jammerOne of them is the Silok radio jammer, which mainly prevents drones from completing their missions by interfering with the radio communication link between drones and their operators. The device can cover a range of up to 2.5 miles (about 4 kilometers) and is often deployed on the front line to defend against drone attacks. Wifi jammer

  Russia first used Silok in a military exercise in 2018 and claimed to have successfully resisted attacks by multiple simulated attack drones. However, as the Ukrainian army continued to fight back, the effectiveness of this equipment began to be questioned.

  Successful counterattack by Ukrainian drones

  On January 20, 2024, Ukraine's air bomber force successfully destroyed a Silok radio jammer. The operation used a Mavic quadcopter, which first flew over the jammer and hovered to observe, then accurately dropped incendiary bombs and hit the target directly. This achievement was made public through social media videos and attracted widespread attention.

  Although Silok is designed to automatically detect and interfere with the radio links of drones, Ukrainian drone operators seem to have circumvented these interferences through a variety of tactical means. One strategy of the Ukrainian military may be to frequently change radio frequencies to avoid Russian electronic interference. At the same time, some experts believe that Silok's detection sensitivity is limited and it is difficult to effectively interfere with high-speed, highly maneuverable small drones.

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